
Hello world! Liam here! Let me tell you about my second science unit investigating Sound!

First we studied about what is sound. Sound is really impotent for people we can hear because sound. not all people can hear sound some people need

Next, we looked at what the 4 properties of sound are:reflect absorbed and modified first. reflect reflect is like your reflection but with sound reflect is like. bouncing almost exactly bouncing such as throwing a ball and bouncing back.                                                                                                                Now absorbed sound can bounce from a lot of stuff like walls floors doors etc. but it cant bounce off of everything such as couch cushions and pillows etc. you probably think sound cant go really far well your right in your room that your reading this it probably does not go super far but in caves long hall ways and stair cases it can go super far depending on how far it is.

Now I will talk about modification or modification. modify is pitch or loudness pitch is how high it voice or whatever it is. high is pitch. The pitch is sort of like squeak and modify also means loud loud can also be pitch they can combine into a loud pitch which can really hurt your ears.

How does sound travel?

Sound travels in waves higher pitches are like circles even tho you’d think that it’d be lines that shake and lower pitches are lines.


Hand is hold megaphone and wear grey suit on green or mint or Tiffany Blue background. Megaphone Stock Photo

After, we explored how Sound travels. sound travels in waves. high pitches travel in circles and lower pitches in lines!

What is volume? What is pitch?

Finally, I made a model ear. it is:


Reflection of Learning:

I think that Science is going really good

I would like to improve on geting it faster

I would like to do stuff that have to do with clay like the ear thing